• 2022-06-16
    ____ the weather today?—It’s sunny.
    A: What
    B: How
    C: What’s
    D: How’s
  • D


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      W: What is it like outside todayM: It’s clear and sunny but cold.W: I’d better wear my heavy jacket.M: That’s a good idea. What’s the weather like today(). A: It’s cold. B: It’s sunny. C: It’s fin

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      What’s the _______ like today?--- It’s sunny. A: climate B: weather C: sky D: space

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      2. ______________________ in the next few days? A: A. What’s the weather B: B. What’s the weather like C: C. How’s the weather going to be D: D. How’s the weather be

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      点餐时的正确英文表达有?( ) A: What's on the menu today? B: What’s the weather like? C: What's good today? D: What have you got today? E: What would you recommend? F: How is the weather?

    • 4

      ---________?<br/>---It's rainy. A: How are things going with you B: What's the weather look like C: What does the weather like D: How's the weather