• 2022-06-16
    A: Human and Literature
    B: Theology
    C: Humanism
    D: Socialism
  • C


    • 0

      ( ) was the religious cloak of the English Bourgeois Revolution which advocated God's supreme authority over human beings. A: Humanism B: Puritanism C: Calvinism D: Republicanism

    • 1

      ‌中国特色社会主义‍ A: socialism with Chinese characteristics B: Chinese characteristics socialism C: Chinese social characteristics D: socialism with China characteristics

    • 2

      1. Before drafting, the team reviewed the literature _______ the human health implications of industrial animal agriculture A: of B: about C: on D: in

    • 3

      近代人的四个主义不包括( )。 A: 人文主义 B: 个人主义 C: 经验主义 D: 贵族主义

    • 4

      The essence of humanism is to ______. A: restore a medieval reverence for the church B: avoid the circumstances of earthly life C: explore the net world in which men could live after death D: emphasize human qualities