• 2022-06-16
    What does the man say about the books in the new store
    A: They are quite new.
    B: They are very interesting.
    C: They are not new.
  • C


    • 0

      ______ what he had already, the new stamps were not very interesting.

    • 1

      What does the man buy besides New Yorkers() A: Newsweek. B: Morning Post. C: New Scientists.

    • 2

      Where is Tim?In a (1)________.What is another name for New York?The (2)_______.What does Tim say about the view?It's (3)_______.

    • 3

      What does the man think of the film A: Not interesting. B: Interesting. C: C. Very interesting.

    • 4

      What does Reda like about new cell phones?