• 2022-06-16
    To my—,she tore up the contract and threw it in the bin.
    A: agreement
    B: acquaintance
    C: amazement
    D: aggression
  • C


    • 0

      The B/L is a written contract or agreement between_____.

    • 1

      My cousin is three years old and she likes dressing____ as a fairy. A: up B: on C: to D: at

    • 2

      My sister is coming to see me tomorrow. I will _______________ at the airport. A: pick her up B: pick him up C: pick she up D: pick he up

    • 3

      “合同”可以翻译为( ). A: Agreement B: Contract C: confirmation D: deal

    • 4

      My cousin is three years old and she likes dressing ____ (up/on) as a fairy.