• 2022-06-16
    Learning English is not simply learning the basic meaning of a word in a given context. It is an understanding of its _____ that the word means or implies.
    A: denotation
    B: connotation
    C: literal meaning
    D: context
  • B


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      The most difficult thing in learning a word is _________. A: its pronunciation B: its usage C: its meaning D: its spelling

    • 1

      The contextualist view of meaning holds that meaning should be studied in terms of the _________ context and linguistic context.

    • 2

      Word meanings can be divided into ____________ and ________. The former is usually definite while the latter can be different from culture to culture.: connotation… suggestive meaning|connotation…denotation|denotation…connotation|denotation…dictionary definitions

    • 3

      During the process of developing of vocabulary learning strategies, _____ can be explained as discovery strategies that discovers the word meaning by guessing from its structural knowledge, an L1 cognate (同源词) and context.

    • 4

      Guess the meaning of the words from the context by matching each word with the word or phrase that is similar in meaning.