• 2022-06-16
    He arrived on the day ______ there happened to be no plane tickets
    left for Shanghai.
    A: on which
    B: for which
    C: with which
    D: by which
  • A


    • 0

      What happened to the shop in one month A: He took the watch which was worth $1 500. B: He took the camera which was worth $15 000. C: He took the necklace which was worth $15 000.

    • 1

      That is the day ______ I never forget . A: which B: on which C: in which D: when

    • 2

      that is the day ______ I will never forget. A: on which B: in which C: when D: which

    • 3

      The pen ______he is writing is mine.( ) A: by which B: with which C: in which D: on which

    • 4

      3.I still remember the day _________ I first came to the college. A: at which B: in which C: on which D: which