• 2022-06-16
    Whatdo people do on Halloween?
    A: Treat or trick
    B: Apple bobbing
    C: Halloween party
    D: Visit haunted house
  • A,B,C,D


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      On Halloween, American children go “trick or treating” to get small gifts of ____________ and ____________.

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      How will people do on the Halloween Day? A: Trick-or-treating B: Attending Halloween costume parties C: Carving pumpkins intojack-o'-lanterns, D: Visitinghaunted attractions E: Watchinghorror films. F: Telling scary stories

    • 2

      Activities for Halloween include ______. A: trick or treating B: bonfires C: costume parties D: moon cakes

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      What is trick or treating used to curb during Halloween in the USA? ( ) A: Parade B: Theft C: Arson D: Vandalism

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      People celebrate Halloween in a lot of western countries.