• 2022-06-17
    What is the following statement about continue statement that is correct?
    A: When a multi-level loop is nested, all levels of the loop can be closed by using a single continue statement.
    B: The continue statement can be used in loops and switch statements.
    C: The continue statement closes the loop early to prevent it from becoming a dead loop.
    D: The continue statement can only be used in three loop statements.
  • D


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      The body of a while loop can contain at most one "break" statement and at most one "pass" statement.

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      Are the following statements about copyrights and patents acquired from an independent third party, correct or incorrect Statement 1: Copyrights and patents are tangible assets that can be separately identified. Statement 2: Purchased copyrights and patents are amortized on a straight line basis over 30 years. Statement 1 Statement 2()①A. Incorrect Correct ②B. Correct Incorrect ③C. Incorrect Incorrect A: ① B: ② C: ③

    • 2

      Two statements about spreadsheets follow.<br/>Is each statement true or false? A: Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false B: Both statements are true C: Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true D: Both statements are false

    • 3

      The balance sheet is one of the three (income statement and statement of cash flows being the other two) core financial statements used to evaluate a business.

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      7.In this logic structure, one program statement follows another. A: Sequential B: Selection C: Loop D: Random