• 2022-06-17
    A: He is no less hard-working than his sister
    B: He is no more hard-working than his sister.
    C: He is not more hard-working than his sister.
    D: He is not less hard-working than his sister.
  • B


    • 0

      He has been working hard at his _____ (博士的) thesis on computer for more than half a year. A: bachelor’s B: master’s C: doctoral D: professional

    • 1

      The student is working very hard as he k..._____ on his future.

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: In the past he often made his sister ____, but now he is often made _____ by his sister.

    • 3

      He is three years ______ (old) than his sister.

    • 4

      His health is ______. A: as poor, if not poor than his sister B: poor as his sister"s if not poor C: as poor as if not poorer than his sister"s D: as poor, if not poorer than sister"s