• 2022-06-18
    —— How are you getting along with your presentation? —— Almost ready, and I ______ all I am supposed to.
  • shall have done


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      How are you getting along (on) with your English study?

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      I haven't seen Linda for a very long time. Do you know ________? A: what is she getting along B: how is she getting along C: what she is getting along D: how she is getting along

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      Doctor: How is your backache Is it still bothering you Patient: ________. Now I can’t move. A: That’s fine. B: All right. C: I am afraid so. D: I am sorry to hear that.

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      - Can I take your order now? - _____. A: Yes, you can B: Yes, Please C: No, you can’t D: No, I am not ready

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      Are you getting along well with your colleagues? A: No, I don't agree. B: I agree with you. C: Sure, pretty well. D: Yes, I do.