• 2022-06-19
    Your only pay once someone clicks on your advertisement
    A: Search Per Click
    B: Referral Per Click
    C: Pay Per Click
    D: Advertisement Per Click
  • C


    • 0

      许可式电子邮件推广效果的评价指标包括: A: 每次点击收费(cost per click) B: 开信率(open rate) C: 点击率(click rate) D: 转化率(conversion rate)

    • 1

      What is the room rate?( ). A: The double room is 380 Yuan per night. B: The suite is 500 Yuan per night. C: You should pay 500 Yuan as deposit. D: Your bill is 1000 Yuan.

    • 2

      If the man hires the car more than four days, then he may pay the rental A: 34 pounds per day. B: 40 pounds per day. C: 15 pounds per day.

    • 3

      Click ________ “Write”. Write _______ your message.[1分]

    • 4

      网络广告收费模式中,根据广告显示次数来计算费用的收费模式是()模式。一般网络广告平台以千次显示为一个单位,确定网络广告每显示1000次(印象)的费用。 A: 每行动成本(Cost Per Action,CPA) B: 每购买成本(Cost Per Purchase,CPP) C: 每点击成本(Cost Per Click,CPC) D: 每千人成本(Cost Per Mille,CPM)