• 2021-04-14
    In the sentence "The bill was signed by all the six senators.", the passive verb is "was signed ".
  • 内容

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      What is the Apology Resolution? A: A document signed by the Americans to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani. B: A document signed by Bill Clinton to acknowledge that the Native Hawaiian people never wanted to be part of America. C: A document signed by the Polynesians to officially be annexed to the United States.

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      It was suggested that the agreement _____ before the end of the year. A: be signed B: was signed C: would be signed D: had be signed

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      It is essential that the contract __________ before other companies negotiate with them. A: must be signed B: is signed C: be signed D: to be signed

    • 3

      ‌What construction does "was closed" belong to in the following sentence?‏‌The door was closed all day long.‏ A: linking verb + subject complement B: passive voice C: / D: /

    • 4

      It is desirable that the agreement ______ before the New Year's Day. A: was signed B: is signed C: be signed D: D. has been signed