• 2022-06-07
    Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following dialogue between two passengers on their flight to Beijing. Why does the man come to Beijing
    A: Because he wants to visit his grandma.
    B: Because he’s on his honeymoon.
    C: Because he’s going to watch the Olympics in Beijing.
    D: Because he wants to do some sightseeing in Beijing.
  • A


    • 0

      Why does Shaq walk toward the kid? A: Because he wants to know if the kid admires him. B: Because he wants to ask the kid for the Pepsi. C: Because he is going to buy a Pepsi from the kid. D: Because he likes the kid.

    • 1

      Why does Paul look upset A: Because he has to do his annual medical check-up. B: Because he has to change his lifestyle. C: Because he has had some serious health problems.

    • 2

      Why does the man go to the airport A: [A] Because he will meet his friend there. B: Because he will see his friend off there. C: Because he will get something there.

    • 3

      Why was Bradley's relationship with his dad complicated? A: Because he used up his dad's patience. B: Because he made some mistakes in school.

    • 4

      Questions 11~13 are based on the following passage. Why did Peter suddenly want to leave his seat A: Because he wanted to bother the people again. B: Because he wanted to turn off the lights of his ear. C: Because he wanted to turn on the lights of his car. D: Because he wanted to stand longer.