• 2022-06-07
    slave cylinder ______
  • 从动缸


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      Engine block group includes ______, crankcase, cylinder head, cylinder gasket. A: cylinder block B: proprietor C: disciple D: barbarian

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      Where is the camshaft located? A: In the cylinder head. B: In the cylinder block. C: Either in the cylinder head or in the cylider block. D: In the oil pan.

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      中国大学MOOC: MapReduce框架采用了Master/Slave架构,包括一个Master和若干个Slave。Master上运行JobTracker,Slave上运行TaskTracker 。

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      MapReduce框架采用了Master/Slave架构,包括一个Master和若干个Slave。Master上运行JobTracker,Slave上运行TaskTracker 。 A: 正确 B: 错误