• 2022-06-07
    Of all things in the world, life and love are________ .
    A: very much precious
    B: more than precious
    C: the preciousest
    D: the most precious
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following statements show the traditional Chinese Medicine value the vital importance of life? A: We have everything in the expanse of heaven and earth, but nothing could be more important than mankind. B: Putting people first. C: A man’s life is invaluable, even more precious than gold. Saving a person with one prescription is much more valuable than gold. D: Patient is the source.

    • 1

      The road grew even steeper and more ______. A: precious B: periling C: previous D: perilous

    • 2

      The restaurant in which we ate that night had more people in it at 11pm, 51 more to be ____________, than it did at 10pm. A: precious B: precise C: previous D: predominant E: preceding

    • 3

      ​The restaurant in which we ate that night had more people in it at 11pm, 51 more to be ____________, than it did at 10pm.‌ A: precious B: precise C: previous D: predominant E: preceding

    • 4

      They are the most precious cultural ___ our forefathers left. A: legal B: illegal C: legacy D: inherit