• 2022-06-07
    Audience is to theater as ()
    A: crew is to ship
    B: scholars is to library
    C: group is to society
    D: spectators is to arena
    E: actors is to stage
  • D


    • 0

      The rest of the crew of the ship back home. A: is not coming B: are not coming C: has not been D: had not<br/>been

    • 1

      Stage fright refers to A: Feeling nervous because you are about to perform or talk to a group of people B: Anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in fron of an audience C: A nervous feeling felt by someone who is going to appear in front of an audience D: something ranks near the top in provoking anxiety

    • 2

      The audience (applaud)warmly while the performers bowed on the stage .

    • 3

      The total weight of cargo,fuel,water,stores,passengers and crew,and their effects,that a ship can carry,is the().

    • 4

      58.Who most probably knows best how to describe people’s personality? A: The ancient Greek audience B: The movie actors C: Psychologists D: The modern TV audience(C)(D)(D)