• 2022-06-07
    As a branch of medicine, which of the following discipline can the forensic medicine be assigned to? ()
    A: Basic medical science
    B: Applied Medicine
    C: Preventive medicine
    D: Social science
  • B


    • 0

      In modern medicine, AIDS has challenged the ________ that medical science can conquer all disease. A: input B: comment C: stance D: notion

    • 1

      Medicine is the science and practice of the curing of human diseases.

    • 2

      for doctors, which one comes first? A: the art of healing B: the skills of care C: the science of body D: the science of medicine

    • 3

      Such a complicated medical science had come down thanks to records like ___, Shen Nong’s Canon of Herbs, and the Compendium of Materia Medica, which are all comprehensive and profound works. A: The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Interior Medicine B: The Emperor’s Canon of Interior Medicine C: The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Exterior Medicine

    • 4

      Text A of Unit 1 discusses about the issue of ________.A. medical practice B. medical treatments C. high cost medicine D. high-tech medicine A: medical practice B: medical treatments C: high cost medicine D: high-tech medicine