• 2022-06-07
    Does your job come with a pension plan?
  • Yes, it puts $100 a month into a retirement fund.


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      where _ _your parents come from? A: do B: did C: does D: is

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      Current service cost for a defined benefit pension plan amounted to $1,000,000. Expected income on the pension plan's assets amounted to $7,500,000, while actual income was $7,800,000. The interest on the pension obligation was $9,000,000, which matched the actuarial estimates. No past service costs arose during the year. Given this information the pension expense for the year was: () A: $500,000 B: $2,200,000 C: $2,500,000 D: $1,000,000

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      概念题:缴费确定制养老金计划( defined contribution pension plan)

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      18._______ _______your father usually come home after work? At about6:30. A: How;is B: How;does C: When;does D: When;is

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      Which country does your client come from? A: Swiss B: German C: Italy D: France