• 2022-06-07
    In Pakistan, it is common for a son to live with his parents and other siblings after his marriage.
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      【单选题】Why did he feel that he was letting his parents down? A. He owed his parents too much money. B. His parents couldn’t see his image. C. He let his parents pay the tuition for him. D. He didn’t live up to his parents’ expectations

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      After the son joined the Navy, ______. A: he made it a rule to visit his father’s office each time he came home B: his father went with him on holidays C: his father started to introduce his son to his co-workers D: his father would like his son to visit his office each time he came home

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      After the father took the son to have a hair cut, the son never talked to his father willingly.

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      Where does his parents live? A: across the street B: in another street

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      What is the meaning of Oedipus Complex as coined by Freud? A: A boy's unconscious sexual desire for his mother and hatred against his father B: A boy's unconscious sexual desire for his father and hatred against his mother C: A common hatred of all children against their parents D: A common hatred of all parents against their children