• 2022-06-07
    ______ injuries
    makes additional safetymeasures necessary.
    Climbers will usually workin pairs and use a
    system of ropes and anchors Climbers will usually workin pairs and use a
    system of ropes and anchors
  • life-threatening


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      Translation<br/>(Use the words given in the brackets to complete the following<br/>sentence by translating the Chinese parts into English. Change the<br/>form if necessary.) --- It may ______ ______ (Use the words given in the brackets to complete the following<br/>sentence by translating the Chinese parts into English. Change the<br/>form if necessary.) --- It may ______ ______ <br/>of the product if you price a product too high. (for, disaster,<br/>spell, the sales)

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      keeping the homeostasis<br/>of the internal environment depends on the () A: Non-automatic<br/>control system B: Negative<br/>feedback control system C: positive<br/>feedback control system D: Feed-forward<br/>control system E: nervous<br/>and endocrine regulation.

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      (单选)人类行为主要受到大脑内两个基本系统的作用,这两个系统是(<br/>)。 A: 奖励系统(Rewarding<br/>System)和损失厌恶系统(Loss-Aversion<br/>System) B: 损失厌恶系统(Loss-Aversion<br/>System)和享乐系统(Hedonistic<br/>System) C: 奖励系统(Rewarding<br/>System)和风险厌恶系统(Risk-Aversion<br/>System) D: 风险厌恶系统(Risk-Aversion<br/>System)和享乐系统(Hedonistic<br/>System)

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      The core of the database system is ____. A: database B: database<br/>application system C: database<br/>management system D: database<br/>administrator

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      rate ( ) A: incapacitated,<br/>usually physically, by a medical or congenital condition or an<br/>accident; handicapped. B: a place where<br/>plants or trees are cultivated, often for sale. C: the heaviness of<br/>an object, especially as expressed in terms of a recognized system of<br/>measurement. D: a measured part<br/>calculated with regard to the whole; proportion.