• 2022-06-07
    The negative impacts of regional international economic integration include ( ).
    A: trade transfer
    B: trade barriers
    C: investment transfer
    D: income spillover effect
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      Broadly speaking, barriers to international trade can be divided into two types: ______ barriers and non-physical barriers.

    • 1

      The international trade and other economic activities are currently guided by ________.

    • 2

      By joining NAFTA, the United States, Canada, and Mexico would find their short-run welfare decreasing due to the: A: Economies of scale effect B: Business investment effect C: Trade creation effect D: Trade diversion effect

    • 3

      A common market A: Allows the imposition of common external trade barriers against non-members B: Represents less economic integration than a free trade area C: Does not permit free movement of goods among member nations D: Dose not allow free movement of factors of production among nations

    • 4

      Which of the following is a risk associated with international trade? A: technological obsolescence B: highly unstable governments C: market monopolization D: lack of trade barriers E: currency stagnation