• 2022-06-07
    What’s the meaning of “ask someone out”in the definition of casual dating?
    A: 约某人出去
    B: 叫某人出去
  • A


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      What’s the meaning of the sentence “Take a leaf out of Li’s book!”? A: Plant trees for Li. B: Follow Li’s example. C: Ask Li to write a book. D: Keep a lot of leaves for Li.

    • 1

      What’s the meaning of “Keep---- what you say and---- carry out what you do”?

    • 2

      What' s the meaning of "pick up" A: 收拾,整理 B: 支付费用 C: 拾起,捡起 D: 接某人 E: 意外得到、学会 F: 恢复,好转

    • 3

      You can ask someone out for a date by ______

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