• 2022-06-07
    We always need to resort to to denote entities, properties, and events.
    A: function words
    B: closed class words
    C: glue words
    D: content words
  • D


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      Each language has grammatical words serving to link different parts of the language together. Grammatical words are also known as . A: function words B: content words C: lexical words D: link words

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      Function<br/>words are open class words because new words are constantly added to<br/>these classes.(<br/>)

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      From the perspective of source and origin, words in English could be classified into content words and function words.

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      13. Words may fall into __________ and functional words by notion. ( ) A: derivational words B: content words C: compound words D: grammatical words

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      Nouns, verbs and adjectives can be classified as ____.( ) A: function words B: form words C: grammatical words D: lexical words