• 2022-06-07
    Was it in 1939 ________ the Second World War broke out?
    A: when
    B: which
    C: that
    D: what
  • C


    • 0

      The Second World War broke out in September ______ and ended in August_______. A: 1939, 1945 B: 1937,1943 C: 1938, 1945 D: 1937, 1945

    • 1

      On September the first ,1939, Hitler launched war against Poland which marks the beginning of the Second World War.

    • 2

      The war broke out () A: suddenly in 1939 in Poland B: in 1939 suddenly in Poland C: suddenly in Poland in 1939 D: in Poland in 1939 suddenly

    • 3

      The war broke out ___ . ( ) A: suddenly in 1939 in Poland B: suddenly in Poland 1939 C: in 1939 suddenly in Poland D: in Poland in 1939suddenly

    • 4

      He was living in France when the war ______. A: broke off B: broke into C: broke out D: broke through