• 2022-06-07
    A: We all have sympathy for her.
    B: We alldad sympathy for her.
  • A


    • 0

      I have no for her. It’s all her own fault.我不同情她。这都是她自己的错。

    • 1

      After the earthquake, we have witnessed compassion from people all over the world. A: sympathy B: support C: aid D: donation

    • 2

      The tone of Jane Carlyle’s letter is guarded, and her feelings are always ______ by the wit and pride that made ______ plea for sympathy impossible for her. A: masked B: bolstered C: enhanced D: a direct E: a needless F: a circumspect

    • 3

      10. We are all ____at the way her husband treated her. A: disgusing B: disgusted C: disgustful D: disgust

    • 4

      Tokens of her childhood will await her. So will we, with open arms