• 2021-04-14
    She ________ her nervousness to the importance of the interview.
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      If you go to an interview, which type of interview should you prepare for? A: Traditional interview. B: Behavioral interview. C: Both types of interview. D: Neither.

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      Positive nervousness is controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for his or her presentation.

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      She docs not know()for her first job interview. A: what should she wear B: what to be wore C: what to wear D: what will she wear

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      What can we learn about Alice A: She didn’t go to the interview. B: She succeeded in the interview. C: She forgot about the interview. D: She was too nervous in the interview.

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      3. Why was Melanie (the daughter) so excited when she received the phone call? A: Because she won the first prize in the college entrance exam. B: Because she was going to spend her holiday with her sisters. C: Because she was selected by her favorite college to take the entrance interview. D: Because she was going to see her best friends in Georgetown