• 2022-06-07
    Chiefly found in derived words, bound morphemes include _________.
    A: bound roots
    B: inflectional affixes
    C: derivational affixes
    D: all the above
  • D


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      The part of the word left when all the affixes (inflectional & derivational) are removed. ____

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      The method of creating words by adding word-forming affixes to roots is called ( ). A: affixes B: derivation C: inflectional D: prefixes E: prefixation F: root

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      【多选题】We can classify morphemes into ________. A. bound morphemes and free morphemes B. lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemes C. derivational morphemes and inflectional morphemes D. adjective mor

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      Bound morphemes include _______ and affix.

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      Bound morphemes include ______ and affix. A: stem B: root C: bound root D: prefix and suffix