• 2022-06-07
    In the sentence“ I wanted to help them. Unfortunately it was too late.”, the word “unfortunately” shows the cohesive device of ______.
    A: reference
    B: substitution
    C: logical connection
    D: ellipsis
  • C


    • 0

      I like cats but unfortunately I'm ______ to them.( ) A: devoted B: accustomed C: sensitive D: allergic

    • 1

      What are structural devices of cohesion in English? A: Conjunction B: reference C: ellipsis D: substitution

    • 2

      What does the grammatical strategies include? A: conjunction B: reference C: substitution D: Ellipsis

    • 3

      Unfortunately is a discourse marker which shows the attitude of the writer to the information.

    • 4

      Unfortunately, his explanation was too brief to make himself ________.