• 2022-06-07
    中国大学MOOC: The first two forms of paper art, dating back from the Han Dynasty, are Chinese paper cutting and Chinese paper folding, including the______ and_____.
  • hand fan; pinwheel


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      There were not any other similar artistic forms like paper cutting before the paper was invented.

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      中国大学MOOC: Paper cutting tools include ______.

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      As an art, a folk art, and a craft, paper cutting has been employed in ______.

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      What is the most popular decoration in Chinese architecture? A: Carving B: Sculpture C: Paper cutting D: Painting

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      Which of the following is FALSE according to the video A: The paper cutting of "Sao Qin Niang" in Yuan dynasty stands for a pray for a fine day. B: Ming and Qin dynasty were the heyday of paper cutting. C: In modern China, paper cutting is also very popular, especially in rural areas in northern China. D: UNESCO has not decided to list paper cutting as "oral and intangible heritage of humanity" yet.