• 2022-06-07
    Paper-cutting was and is mostly used as a , or , .
  • decoration# an aesthetic way to express people's hopes# gratitude and other emotions


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      Compared with paper cutting in Europe, Chinese paper cutting is more realistic.

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      Red color used in Chinese paper cutting ______. A: is the symbol of life B: can dispel evil C: is the symbol of spiritual eternity D: is the symbol of sickness

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      ​Paper cutting tools include ______. ‏ A: scissors B: knife C: paper D: axe

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      The higher the standard of living and the greater the national wealth, ______. A: the greater amount of paper is used B: the greater is the amount of paper is used C: the greater the amount of paper used D: the amount of paper used is greater

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      The higher the standard of living and greater the national wealth, the ______. A: greater is the amount of paper is used B: greater the amount of paper is used C: greater amount of paper is used D: amount of paper is used is greater