• 2022-06-07
    How can people overcome some sort of fear?
    A: People can analyze their fear and have a clear picture of what the fear is.
    B: People
    can try to take control of their fear. They can expose themselves to
    that fear in small doses until they gain a better understanding of it.
    C: People
    can change the way they think about their fear. They can start seeing
    fear as a source of energy and embrace its role in the life.
    D: People can neglect their fear and avoid confronting to the fear directly.
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      For most people, the __________ part of stage fright is fear of the unknown.

    • 1

      Infants are, to some extent, spared the torment of fear or anxiety because they can't reason or foresee the future.

    • 2

      The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.

    • 3

      How can people overcome the fear of intimacy? A: A. By learning how to get along with others. B: B. By learning more about human relationships. C: C. By avoiding getting too much involved in a relationship. D: D. By taking more responsibility in a relationship.

    • 4

      In the United States, some citizens fear people with AIDS, but others______ those living with the disease.