• 2022-06-07
    They are both good at English, but ____ of them is good at maths.
    A: none
    B: either
    C: all
    D: neither
  • B


    • 0

      There are lots of English books here, but_______ of them is easy to understand. A: both B: all C: none D: neither

    • 1

      — Which club would you like to join , art club or basketball club ?—_____ is OK . I’m good at them . A: A . Neither B: B . Either C: C . Both D: D . All

    • 2

      He lent me a few books, but ______ are easy to read. A: neither of them B: none of them C: not either of them D: not both of them

    • 3

      I invited ___________ of them, but ___________ turned up. A: both, neither B: either, both C: both, eitherc) either, neither

    • 4

      _____ my father ______ my mother take good care of me. I love them so much. A: Either; or B: Both; and C: Neither; nor D: Not only; but also