• 2022-06-07
    What is the name of the street, which is the heart of London 's Chinatown?
    A: Gerrard street
    B: Tablet street
  • A


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      中国大学MOOC: In the road sign “Xinhua Street (No.1)”, “Xinhua” is the ________ name of the road, and “Street” is the __________ name of the road.

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      ______, the home of most of Britain’s national newspapers, is sometimes figuratively used to mean the press. A: Downing Street B: Whitehall Street C: Regent Street D: Fleet Street

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      What is in Russell Street()

    • 3

      Wall Street is() A: the name of Chinatown in New York B: the nickname of New York C: the financial center of America D: the tourist center of USA

    • 4

      Which expressions are correct? A: This street is four times shorter than that one. B: This street is as four times short as that one. C: This street is the length four times of that one. D: This street is four times as short as that one.