• 2022-06-07
    Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty.
  • 内容

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      I make a cake with ________ ,sugar and ________. A: butters…eggs B: butter…egg C: butter…eggs D: butters…egg

    • 1

      He raised his voice to make himself ____.

    • 2

      If my nose ___ a little shorter, I would be quite pretty. A: is B: will be C: has been D: were

    • 3

      The teacher raised her voice to make herself (hear)______.

    • 4

      Sentence CombiningThe man handed a photo of a girl.The photo was to me.He did that silently.The man was old.The girl was pretty. A: The old man silently handed a photo of a pretty girl to me. B: The old man handed a photo of a pretty girl to me silently. C: The old man handed a pretty girl's photo to me silently. D: The old man silently handed me a photo of a pretty girl.