• 2022-06-07
    A natural history museum would most likely exhibit an animal _____________.
    A: fighting another animal
    B: standing perfectly straight
    C: hanging in the air
    D: as it appears in a famous painting
  • A


    • 0

      Natural History Museum的中文 ____

    • 1

      Orwell’s most famous satirical novels do not include ______.( ) A: Nineteen Eighty-Four B: Animal Farm C: Down and Out in Paris and London

    • 2

      Those world famous oil-paintings (exhibit)()at the Museum of New York are part of their collection.

    • 3

      The<br/>most famous wild animal in Keke Xili is () A: Tibetan<br/>Antelope B: Snub-nosed<br/>Monkey C: Panda D: Blue<br/>Whale

    • 4

      The animal has been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist.