• 2021-04-14
    It is necessary that the meeting _____ at once.
  • begin


    • 0

      There are still discussing whether I ______to the meeting yesterday, which I think was not necessary at all.

    • 1

      It is not so necessary to exchange your name card with your customer when meeting him at the airport.

    • 2

      The members of the social committee ______ once a month to discuss upcoming activities and events. A: (A) meet B: (B) meets C: (C) is meeting D: (D) meeting

    • 3

      Those who _____ the meeting this morning agreed to the proposal of stopping the project at once. A: attending B: be attended C: attended D: to attend

    • 4

      The meeting room is so small that it can hold 20 people ( ). A: at last B: at once C: at most