• 2022-06-07
    What types of chopsticks are mentioned in this video?( )
    A: Bronze chopsticks.
    B: Wood or bamboo chopsticks.
    C: Porcelain and plastic chopsticks.
    D: Gold and silver chopsticks.
    E: Lacquer chopsticks.
    F: Ivory chopsticks.
  • A,B,C,D,E,F


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      中国人用筷子吃东西。 A: Chinese people eat chopsticks. B: Chinese people eat with chopsticks. C: Chinese people eat in chopsticks. D: Chinese people eat on chopsticks.

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      中国大学MOOC: It is a tradition in some areas to give chopsticks as a gift to newlywedsbecause chopsticks mean “have babies soon”.

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      Which of the following statements is the right thing to do?( ) A: Stick your chopisticks in your rice bowl. B: Let your chopsticks cross over those of others. C: Place your chopsticks on the table. D: Place your chopsticks lengthways on a chopstick holder.

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      据说,尼克松总统到中国访问时,在欢迎宴会上也使用了筷子。 A: It's said that President Nixon also used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet when he visited China. B: People said that when he visited China at the welcoming banquet President Nixon also used chopsticks. C: / D: /

    • 4

      The use of __________(disposal) chopsticks has been debated for years.