• 2022-06-07
    To other manufacturers,the company has reduced the price greatly.
    A: compare with
    B: compare to
    C: compete for
    D: compete with
  • D


    • 0

      John placed himself in ______ (compete) with other workers.

    • 1

      There has been some fierce_________(compete) for the title.

    • 2

      Living here can’t____ living in Shanghai. A: compare with B: compare to C: compare D: compare as

    • 3

      In a traditional sporting event, athletes compete against each other under controlled circumstances, but athletes in extreme sports compete not only against other athletes, but also against environmental obstacles and challenges.

    • 4

      The implementation of the European Union has: A: Made it harder for Americans to compete against the Germans in the British market B: Made it easier for Americans to compete against the Germans in the British market C: Made it harder for Americans to compete against the Japanese in the British market D: Made it easire for Americans to compete against the Japanese in the British market