• 2021-04-14
    Below you will find some examples of study designs, please select the correct design for each example. The relation between total fiber intake and colon cancer was studied in 35492 male participants. Fiber intake was measured via food frequency questionnaires at the beginning of the study in 1988 and every two years thereafter prior to an endoscopic procedure to assess colon cancer. Between 1988 and 2006, 2099 colon cancer cases occurred. Occurrence of colon cancer was 39% higher in people with the lowest fiber intake as compared with people with the highest fiber intake. The study suggests that low intakes of fiber in men is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. The study design is a:
  • cohort study



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      According to a new research, soft drinks have been tied ______ increases in risk factors for colon cancer, such as obesity and diabetes, but there had been little direct research on the subject.

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      Who gets cancer and why? The study is following the health of over a million people to learn................................

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      Daily intake of six kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables can help meet the minimum fiber requirement.

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      7. The risk of developing breast cancer in a certain population is 4%. A study investigating hormone replacement therapy finds that the hormone replacement therapy group has a 25% greater chance of getting breast cancer compared to the placebo group. Based on the study's finding, how many additional cases of breast cancer could one expect in a group of 100 women who undergo hormone replacement therapy compared with 100 who do not?

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      The study suggested that dietary isoflavones have a small protective effect on the risk of breast cancer but not lignans.()