• 2022-06-07
    ___________ skillls , also known as people skills, are the skills you use to interact and engage with people.
  • Interpersonal


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      Combination resume is ideal for people who want to emphasize their skills, but also include their work history.

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      There is___that well-educated people should devote their knowledge and skills to their own country and people. A: no deny B: no denying C: not deny D: not denied

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      The skills used by a person to interact with others properly A: personal skills B: interpersonal skills C: Both a) and b)

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      What does the author think of teamwork and people skills? A: Nobody can succeed without them. B: These skills are not as important as others mentioned in the text. C: With these skills, one can succeed in everything. D: Some people are born with such skills while others may never get them.

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      What does the author think of teamwork and people skills?