• 2022-06-07
    All things are interrelated with and interact ___ each other.
    A: from
    B: on
    C: in
    D: down
  • B


    • 0

      The twins are similar _____ each other. A: to B: from C: on D: in

    • 1

      13 A: Their road link to other European countries is fast. B: They are all located in the south of France. C: They are very close to each other. D: Their basic facilities are good.

    • 2

      The Montagues and the Capulets hate each other so much that they ( ) A: don't speak to each other. B: fight whenever they meet. C: play horrible tricks on each other.

    • 3

      lubrication A: adding a substance between solid surfaces that are moving against each other in order to reduce friction and wear. B: the process of making the fuel start to burn in an engine so that a vehicle can start to move. C: a force which slows down a moving object or vehicle. D: the force that makes it difficult for things to move freely when they are touching each other.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: The master should take care of all guests during activities. If there are guests who don’t know each other, he must introduce them to each other.