• 2022-06-07
    Purpose of reheat cycle is to increase thermal efficiency ( )
  • 错误


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      In a linear regulator, the purpose of using the power transistor is to ( ). A: Increase output voltage B: Increase output current

    • 1

      He changed the loom to increase its work _____. A: time B: efficiency C: salary D: room

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      There are many ways to increase agricultural _______ in the poorer areas of the world. A: effect B: efficient C: effective D: efficiency

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      In which of the following traditional organizational designs does duplication of activities and resources lead to an increase in costs and reduced efficiency?

    • 4

      ​7. There are many ways to increase agricultural _______ in the poorer areas of the world. ‏​‏ A: sufficiency B: efficiency C: deficiency D: proficiency