• 2022-06-07
    Why does the man say, “Wait a minute”?
    A: He wants the woman to speak more slowly.
    B: He wants to talk about what the woman just said.
  • B


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      Listening 1 "Professor’s Office" {$mediaurl} What does the professor suggest A: He wants the woman to come back to his office again. B: He expects the woman to ask questions in writing. C: He offers to respond to additional questions by e-mail. D: He does not think that the woman will have more questions.

    • 1

      What does the woman complain (埋怨) about the man(). A: He is a little wasteful. B: He is forgetful. C: He is lazy.

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      Questions 11 - 13 are based on the following dialogue. Why does the man talk with Sandra A: He is not satisfied with Sandra’s working attitude. B: He wants to increase Sandra’s salary. C: He wants to fire Sandre. D: He wants to charge Sandre’s job.

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      Why will the man draw the woman a map(). A: He is afraid of misunderstanding. B: The man wants to confuse her. C: To show off his skill in drawing maps.

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      Q2:What does the man mean? A: The woman has bought everything she wants to. B: The woman has forgotten something. C: The woman should not have bought everything. D: The woman should buy more things.