• 2022-06-07
    The math problem isn't difficult, and most of the students can work it out ______.
    A: hardly
    B: easily
    C: simply
    D: impossibly
  • B


    • 0

      The math problem was the most difficult one I had ever met, but I _____ to work it out at last. A: tried B: managed C: succeeded D: failed

    • 1

      Time_on, but he still can’t work out the math problem() A: glides B: glares C: glances D: glades

    • 2

      As a teacher, he has never given his students so difficult a problem ________ they can’t work out.

    • 3

      Even the top students in our class can't work out this problem, so it be very difficult.

    • 4

      This Math problem is very difficult. Mary couldn't work out the ______ (solve)