• 2022-06-07
    Algiers crisis of 1958 triggered the collapse of the Fourth Republic, the already retired____again led France built a new Republic and he became the first president.
    A: Charles de Gaulle
    B: Napoleon III
    C: Charlemagne
    D: Wilhelm I
  • A


    • 0

      4. The first American President from the Republic Party is _____. A: Abraham Lincoln B: Andrew Johnson C: Thomas Jefferson D: George Washington

    • 1

      Napoleon became the first ____ of France.

    • 2

      The President and vice-president of the People's Republic of China are elected by the State Council.

    • 3

      The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year of ______. A: 1918 B: 1920 C: 1945 D: 1949

    • 4

      In fact, American people came to love Adams ____________. A: whether he was president or not B: when he was not a president C: before his term ended D: when he first became a representative