• 2022-06-07
    What happened in the fall of 2007?
    A: Hemlines anticipated a global crisis.
    B: Women’s skirts got shorter.
    C: There was a crisis on the stock market.
    D: Designers began to lose touch with reality.
  • A


    • 0

      A financial market consists of foreign exchange market, money market, bond market and equity market. The last two markets usually fall into the category of ______. A: preferred stock market or liquidation market B: stock market or debt market C: securities market or capital market D: securities market or liquidation market

    • 1

      The global financial crisis in 2008 was mainly caused by: A: subprime mortgages B: high-risk financial assets like CDOs C: Credit or default crisis D: Political crisis

    • 2

      As the financial crisis got worse,

    • 3

      The present crisis is much less a political than an economic crisis.

    • 4

      What is US government’s first response to the economic crisis?