• 2022-06-07
    David likes country life and has decided to______ farming though his father suggests him thinking twice before do it.
    A: go in for
    B: go back on
    C: go through with
    D: go along with
  • A


    • 0

      The early pioneers had to go though many hardships to settle on the new land. A: go along with B: go back on C: suffer D: go into

    • 1

      Joe wants us ___ . A: to go along with him B: going along with him. C: go along with him D: will go along with him

    • 2

      What is David going to do first A: To go boating. B: To do his homework. C: To go for a walk.

    • 3

      They wouldn't hesitate to __________ fire and water for justice and peace. A: go through B: go against C: go along with D: go over

    • 4

      Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to __________ it. A: go about B: go against C: go along with D: go around with