• 2022-06-07
    Name a few ways to output (print) a block of HTML code in PHP? ( Yahoo )
  • 你可以使用 PHP 中任何一种输出语句,包括 echo、print、printf,大部分人都使用如下例的 echo: echo "My string $variable"; 你也可以使用这种方法: echo <<<END This text is written to the screen as output and this $variable is parsed too. If you wanted you can have <span> HTML tags in here as well.</span> The END; remarks must be on a line of its own, and can't contain any extra white space. END;


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      ​分组密码工作模式主要有EBC(Electronic Code Book,电子密码本)、CBC(Cipher Block Chaining,密文链接)、CFB(Cipher Block FeedBack,密文反馈)、OFB(Output FeedBack,输出反馈)与CTR(Counter,计数器)等模式‏

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      There is only a few of ways to say goodbye.

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      这段PHP代码“&lt;!-&lt;? php some Php code;?〉--〉”是不会运行的。

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      php文件后缀名是什么( ) A: php B: . php C: . html D: html

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      如果name=”全国计算机等级考试二级Python”,下面输出错误的是 A: >;>;>;print(name[0],name[8],name[-1]) 全 试 B: >;>;>;print(name[:]) C: >;>;>;print(name[11:]) D: >;>;>;print(name[:11])