• 2022-06-07
    —Do you know why she looks so ?—She got high marks in the final examinations.
    A: cheerful
    B: sad
    C: angry
    D: confused
  • A


    • 0

      It was because she was too inexperienced ______ she didn't know how to deal with the situation. A: so that B: that C: that is why D: so

    • 1

      I don’t know ______ Apple iphone4s. A: that she is so crazy about B: what is she so crazy about C: why she is so crazy about D: how she is so crazy about

    • 2

      The boss was in a temper. Do you know _______ made him so angry?

    • 3

      Mary got up early, but she ____ so, because she had no work to do that morning.

    • 4

      Why did she invited them in since she didn’t know any of them?She did so out of ______.