• 2022-06-07
    I have to ______ five yuan for the new book.
    A: spend
    B: pay
    C: cost
    D: use
  • B


    • 0

      I have book. book is about fishing. A: a; A B: a; The C: the; The

    • 1

      She can ______ a new car after saving money for a long time. A: spend B: cost C: pay D: afford

    • 2

      I enjoy reading, but I can’t _______much time ______it. A: spend, on B: pay, in C: take, in D: cost, on

    • 3

      我从来没有读过这样有趣的书。 A: Never before I have read such an interesting book. B: Never before have I read such an interesting book. C: Never have I read such an interesting book before. D: Never I have read such an interesting book before.

    • 4

      It’s too expensive for me. I can’t _______it. A: spend B: cost C: pay D: afford